Republicans today are decrying the “lawfare” that Democrats are using against them, and rightly so. However, had Republicans ...
In this review of Scott Horton's new book, Enough Already, we see that the wars the US has raged for the past quarter century ...
No interventionist government or central bank wants lower prices because inflation allows the government to increase its ...
Mises Wire offers contemporary news and opinion through the lens of Austrian economics and libertarian political economy. The ...
Kamala Harris claims that she simply wants food prices to be lower. However, her de facto price fixing scheme would create ...
David Gordon takes another look at Thomas Nagel's Equality and Partiality. While he finds some of Nagel's arguments appealing ...
There are numerous critics of the Austrian School of economics, but when their disparagements are closely examined, the ...
The Chinese are making the same mistake FDR made with his many government programs during the Great Depression and Trump and ...
Murphy lays out the various camps in the debate over FRB. He endorses the view of Joe Salerno, namely that Mises favored “free banking” as the best means for limiting credit expansion and ensuring ...